A vaccine event with full access for the Disability Community will happen on April 26 and 27 from 10am to 5pm in Albuquerque. The event specifically for our Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, Deaf Plus, and Deaf Senior Community will be on Tuesday, April 27th. It will be at the Berna Facio Professional Development Center at 3315 Louisiana Blvd NE. on the southwest corner of Louisiana Blvd and Comanche Rd. The event will be a drive-through only event – you will remain in your vehicle the whole time. There will be another vlog on the process of the drive-through soon.
Interpreters will be on site Tuesday only, and assistive technology will be available both days, including FM Systems. The vaccine provided will be the Moderna vaccine, so you will receive an appointment to return on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 to get the booster vaccine.
The event is open to everyone. To participate:
Register at www.VaccineNM.org and use these event codes –
For Monday, April 26th use event code: IPSLPPW
For Tuesday, April 27th use event code: AWCRZAW
Please contact Corina or Myra if you have any questions, concerns, or need more information.
Corina Gutiérrez – corina.gutierrez@cdhh.nm.gov – 505-435-9241 (VP)
Myra Sandoval – myra.sandoval@cdhh.nm.gov – 505-273-3516 (VP)
See the vlog for all of the details in ASL: https://youtu.be/p8Y1ngggWrE.
These vlogs explain the process for both days, and the consent form that will be provided and must be completed before you receive the vaccine: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK3-i4djsMSSKEBjEEL3-UC-uiYafCxMj.