NMCDHH in-person services are available by appointment only. Please contact us at nmcdhh.info@cdhh.nm.gov or call 505.383.6530 (voice) or 505.435.9319 (VP for sign language users) Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm so we can assist you.

Thursday, December 10, 2020
The New Mexico
Commission for Deaf
& Hard of Hearing
Providing effective leadership, education, advocacy, and programs to reduce barriers to the social, economic, educational, cultural, and intellectual well-being of Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind New Mexicans and their families, friends, and colleagues.
In Person Services by Appointment Only
Our Las Cruces and Albuquerque offices are open for in person services by appointment only. Please contact us at nmcdhh.info@cdhh.nm.gov or call 505.383.6530 (voice) or 505.435.9319 (VP for sign language users) Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm so we can assist you, or check the Staff Members page for our individual email addresses to request an appointment.
SSP Services in New Mexico
We have some great news to share with you all regarding the status of the Support Service Provider (SSP) Program here in New Mexico. Through a procurement process initiated by the New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing we were able secure the services of the vendor Vancro for the next four years.
Last year Vancro took over the SSP program for the first time. The program serves our DeafBlind, Deaf with additional disabilities, and Deaf Senior community with services that allow for transportation, case management, and more. Over the course of that first year, Vancro increased the number of people receiving services by 33% and the number of requests for services per month also grew by 130%.
As a result of this growth and in order to ensure that everyone can receive the services provided by Vancro across the state, Vancro recently introduced a monthly cap on requests per person. The cap is to ensure every person has equal access to the services and was determined based on the data collected by Vancro which shows the average number of hours each person utilizes. We encourage anyone with questions to reach out to Vancro to see how this will work.
View this announcement as a PDF here.
Upcoming Board Meeting
The public can watch the meeting livestream on YouTube:
The previous meeting held Thursday, June 6, 2024 can be accessed at this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjEFmcE3Wbc

Outreach and Presentations
If you would like to invite us to have a booth at an event you are hosting, please send the information to nmcdhh.info@cdhh.nm.gov. We also offer free presentations on a variety of topics. Visit our Community Education page to learn more and request a presentation.
Fact Sheets
NMCDHH has developed a series of fact sheets for on-demand access to information about frequently encountered laws, topics, and issues within the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind communities.